You've really put some sort of thought into this one...and I really don't mind.
You've really put some sort of thought into this one...and I really don't mind.
Yeah, you caught me! I get a lot of dead time at work. So, I spend some time thinking of flash videos. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Rather entertaining...
I must say, you've done a pretty good job with this animation, it beats almost every stick figure flash cartoon anyday. Bravo.
This is EXACTLY what you're bound to pick up 95% of the time whenever you're on the internet, no matter what!
Everyone's always bitching about their Flacon Puanches (I misspelled it to piss of Captain Falcon fanboys), their little shitty ponies which APPARENTLY are all the rage all of a sudden, and I for one may use Minecraft which I do enjoy, however, unlike other users, I do't get too deep and into the game as much as everyone else which is a good explaination for why it's being mentioned.
I loved your work since Dot Dot Dot and I still love you today Mr. Pirate Man, don't wish to go too far, but I may develop an obession with you...but that's all.
All of my 5/5, 10/10 und Favurit rankings r all belong to dis!
I honestly can't say anything else, besides...
Yay for pop culture and stuff?
Great job
Well, that was a good flash...I gues-WOAH wait a minute! A medal for watching this thing, fricking sweet! I love this!
Well, the story was FANTASTIC! ...but your sniper game sucked balls.
Just amazing.
I really enjoyed getting a kick out of this flash, it was enjoyable, it took me back to when I remembered playing Pokemon and made me think about the cartoon show too, and I think I may have also learned a little spanish. (Wink wink.)
Overall, great flash, loved it!
Oh mah god, dat waz rite goued.
U r lieke will breeleiant art de anymehshions nd stuff, dat flashes waz will amaezsing. Keep up da goued weurk. k thnx.
Answer me this...
How is it possible, likely, even (god forbid) IDEAL to create a flash based on a review of a male person (whom may or may not live with his mother) of a game that pretended to be an RPG (which was just a parody of one) who said 'I hatez this game!!1"? After what I saw from the so called FLASH you have created, I was outraged! The impact of your portrayal of the review was mind-shatteringly shocking, I almost bashed my head against the walls of my very room. You sir 'ought to think for what monsterous project you have created to the face of MANKIND ITSELF! Since you have created madness such as this, I shun to look up for more of your 'future work' and I may never recover from this very moment in my life ever again...
...however, I was strongly convinced that your work was superb, give you a rating of 5 and 10 and that I may or may not have been brainwashed to do so...good day to you sir and your flash animation.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 8/24/10